Air Force Fundraising at large is regulated by DAFI36-3101 Fundraising. Private Organization (PO) and Unit Unofficial Activity (UA) operations are more exclusively governed by AFI34-223 Private Organizations Program. Application of these programs at the installation level is further subject to 1 SOW/JA review and enforcement by the 1 SOFSS/FSRF Priavet Org Coordinator.
Who can fundraise?
Members of the Air Force or Federal Government, to include civilians, contractors (conditionally), Air Reserve and National Guard members and their dependents.
What can you fundraise for?
Within the Air Force there are two options for fundraising:
Supporting an approved Federal campaign
There are only two federally supported fundraising campaign: the Air Force Assistance Fund (AFAF) and the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). These are annual campaigns facilitated at the federal level which offer installations and individuals the opportunity to get involved. Any fundraising events done in which 100% of the proceeds will be going to these programs can be classified and supported as an official duty activity. For more information on these programs please see DAFI 36-3101.
For the morale and welfare of an AF element
All other fundraising within the AF, but not for the AFAF or CFC, cannot be supported at the federal level. Individual AF elements may seek out support via fundraising in the name of morale/welfare, but direct support from the DOD is incredibly limited and the handling of funds must be strictly regulated. For more information on these programs please see AFI34-223.
Fundraising for Morale & Welfare Purposes
At the installation level, and certainly at the unit level, fundraising for the morale and welfare of those within the local base community is typically the most popular fundraising done day to day. Since this type of fundraising is not inherently supported like a federal campaign, authority to regulate these types of activities sits at the installation level. Such activities are divided across two programs that reflect whether fundraising is being conducted within an official or unofficial capacity.
Base-Level Fundraising in an Official Capacity – Unit Unofficial Activities
Fundraising within an official capacity outside the AFAF & CFC is extremely limited and therefore confined to the unit level. As a reminder – “official” in this case refers to fundraising that is permissible to be conducted on official duty status and preformed as a part of one’s service as an AF or Federal employee. Although the name may be a bit confusing, this program is referred to as Unit Unofficial Activities or UAs.
UAs are completely internal programs confined within their respective unit and are further restricted to only allow for the temporary storage of funds in an official capacity. These funds must be used for future investments to enhance the welfare of squadron/unit members. This includes your snack bar, burger burns, collecting money for promotion gifts, selling merch to unit members and dependents, etc. These operations must be completely internal and are not to extend beyond squadron/unit personnel and their dependents (although there are special circumstances). Unofficial unit fundraising, also known as “for us, by us,” is held to a monetary limit of $1,000 in monthly assets (think cash in the bank; not value of snacks in your snack bar) in order to facilitate funds being invested back into a squadron/unit. UAs are not meant to facilitate large and consistent fundraising efforts which is why some decide to establish a private org. The approving authority for UA events is the unit CC who has the right to request financials and meeting minutes regarding UA fundraising activities.
Base-Level Fundraising in an Unofficial Capacity – Private Organizations
For those needing additional support they may elect to fundraise in an unofficial capacity, otherwise known as the Private Organization program.
Private Organizations (POs) are non-federal special interest groups that are allowed to operate on the installation with installation commander approval. POs choose to support DOD elements, but they are not part of the DOD – hence the unofficial or non-federal fundraising label. Because of this, it is not permissible to conduct any private org business in an official capacity as a DAF employee or on duty status. The result is that there are certain restrictions when it comes to what you can do on-base and in association to base – like not being able to run a unit snack bar.
However, it is this non-federal classification that allows PO’s the flexibility to:
- Fundraise outside a unit both on and off-base.
- Store any amount of funds as generated via approved methods.
The approving authority for PO activities is the installation commander, but aspects of the program can be delegated down as far as the FSS/CC. The installation will require PO financials, meeting minutes, and requests to be facilitated through the NAF accounting office/Resource Management to ensure they are IAW all program guidelines. For POs found not in accordance with the program their permission to operate on and in-support of an installations can be revoked by the installation commander or delegated authority.
Looking to start a fundraising organization?
Consider which program is best for you! You can have one or the other, both, or none – it’s up to you.
For additional information you can seek the following resources under Official Forms & Guidance:
AFI34-223 |
DAFI36-3101 |
AF Fundraising Training Slides |
Contact the 1 SOFSS PO Monitor at (850) 884-2959 or 1sofss.naf.ao.org@us.af.mil |
Official Forms & Guidance
Please forward all documents to the 1 SOFSS/FSRF PO Coordinator for processing.
Air Force Regulations
Establishing a Unit Unofficial Activity (UA)
If you are interested in starting a UA you will need to start by completing the below steps to meet all base, state, and federal requirements:
Base Requirements
- Constitution & Bylaws
- This is not required per the AFI, but you will need it to open a bank account with EFCU (should you choose) and register with the state and IRS as a non-profit organization.
- Authority to Operate Letter
- This will be signed by your respective unit/CC as they are the governing authority over this program.
- Officers List
- You’ll want to keep this current so your leadership is able to get in contact with the correct individuals.
- MFR to Request a Club Account at the EFCU
- You’ll want to follow the steps listed in the EFCU instructions guide to help you open an account and also with officer turnover later on should you choose to open an account here (it is not required).
State Requirements
Florida has no provisions for unincorporated/unregistered nonprofit associations, and therefore does not offer any protections to those acting on its behalf. This means there is no separate legal existence from its members and therefore they could be personally liable for its debts and liabilities.
Because of this, if you are wanting to operate a non-profit within the state of FL then you must incorporate.
This process requires a $70 fee and must be renewed annually from the date of initial registration.
Florida Non-Profit Corporation – Division of Corporations – Florida Department of State
Instructions: Instructions for Articles of Incorporation (FL Non-Profit) – Division of Corporations – Florida Department of State
Federal Requirements
Any revenue made, regardless of it is $5 or $5,000 must be reported to the IRS annually. This process can be accomplished by following the steps below:
- Register your organization for an employer identification number (EIN). You’ll do this via the IRS’s website: Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) online | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)
- Use this EIN in connection with any business accounts setup for PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, etc.
- If you have an EIN in your records but are unsure of its status, you may search the IRS’s records here: https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/
- Decide if you want to apply for non-profit status under a 501(c) category of your choosing. A list of different types of tax-exempt orgs and their qualifications can be found here: Applying for tax-exempt status | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)
- This does require a hefty fee and takes time to get approved, but it allows you to be exempt from some federal taxes and you can offer a tax break as an incentive to business you may receive donations from.
- Continue to file annually.
- If you have non-profit status and do not file for three continuous years you will lose this status.
You are welcome to send a copy of these documents to the 1 SOFSS/PO Monitor as well if you’d like additional help in keeping continuity in additional to your own historical file, but ultimately the UAs are responsible for maintaining their own records and making sure your leadership stay informed.
Establishing a Private Organization (PO)
If you are interested in establishing a private org you’ll need to start by completing the below steps to meet all base, state, and federal requirements:
Base Requirements
To meet AFI requirements please complete the attached documents:
- Constitution & Bylaws – Signed by ALL OFFICERS
- PO Request of Establishment – Signed by President
- Insurance Waiver – Signed by President
- Liability Certification – Signed by President
- List of Officers – DOD and Non-DOD info please
As you’ll notice, nothing is on official letterhead as private orgs are considered a non-federal entity and are therefore not allowed to use any official DOD affiliated items/images. This means when filling out your paperwork please do not use any ranks for your members besides their position within the org and use non-DOD emails/contact information. This also means your org name cannot contain anything with an organizational unit or the proper installation name “Hurlburt Field” (although just Hurlburt is allowed, or if you want to use Air Commando that is approved too).
You are allowed and encouraged to use electronic signatures and when the documents are done or you’d like them reviewed please send them to the 1sofss.naf.ao.org@us.af.mil.
State Requirements
Florida has no provisions for unincorporated/unregistered nonprofit associations, and therefore does not offer any protections to those acting on its behalf. This means there is no separate legal existence from its members and therefore they could be personally liable for its debts and liabilities.
Because of this, if you are wanting to operate a non-profit within the state of FL then you must incorporate.
This process requires a $70 fee and must be renewed annually from the date of initial registration.
Florida Non-Profit Corporation – Division of Corporations – Florida Department of State
Instructions: Instructions for Articles of Incorporation (FL Non-Profit) – Division of Corporations – Florida Department of State
Federal Requirements
Any revenue made, regardless of it is $5 or $5,000 must be reported to the IRS annually. This process can be accomplished by following the steps below:
- Register your organization for an employer identification number (EIN). You’ll do this via the IRS’s website: Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) online | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)
- Use this EIN in connection with any business accounts setup for PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, etc.
- If you have an EIN in your records but are unsure of its status, you may search the IRS’s records here: https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/
- Decide if you want to apply for non-profit status under a 501(c) category of your choosing. A list of different types of tax-exempt orgs and their qualifications can be found here: Applying for tax-exempt status | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)
- This does require a hefty fee and takes time to get approved, but it allows you to be exempt from some federal taxes and you can offer a tax break as an incentive to business you may receive donations from.
- Continue to file annually.
- If you have non-profit status and do not file for three continuous years you will lose this status.
What is included in a Fundraising Package?
You will need the following items:
- Fundraiser Request form (this is required for all events raising funds)
- Flyer (if you will be using any kind of flyer it must come with your package)
- Solicitation Letter (if you will be going off base to ask for donations i.e. prizes or supplies for your event it must come with your package)
- Proof of Registration with the state of Florida as a non-profit corporation: https://dos.fl.gov/sunbiz/start-business/efile/fl-nonprofit-corporation/
- Proof of Registration with the Florida Department of Agricultural & Consumer Services. Make sure you address your org name as “PRIVATE ORG NAME ” to reflect your incorporated status: Solicitation of Contributions / Business Services / Home – Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (fdacs.gov)
All packages should be submitted to the NAF AO at: 1SOFSS.NAF.AO.ORG@us.af.mil.
**Please allow a MINIMUM of 3-4 weeks for approval**
What if I only want to solicit for donations?
You will need the following items:
- Solicitation Request Form
- Solicitation Letter
- Proof of Registration with the state of Florida as a non-profit corporation: https://dos.fl.gov/sunbiz/start-business/efile/fl-nonprofit-corporation/
- Proof of Registration with the Florida Department of Agricultural & Consumer Services. Make sure you address your org name as “PRIVATE ORG NAME ” to reflect your incorporated status: Solicitation of Contributions / Business Services / Home – Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (fdacs.gov)
Solicitation can only be done off-base in the community by registered Private Organizations. Unofficial Activities may not solicit gifts/donations.
All packages should be submitted to the NAF AO at: 1SOFSS.NAF.AO.ORG@us.af.mil
**Please allow a MINIMUM of 3-4 weeks for approval**
What if I only want to do an In-Kind fundraiser such as Canned Food Drive, School Supply Drive, Angel Tree program etc.
You will need to fill out the following items:
- In-Kind Collection Request Form
- Facility Coordination Letter
- Flyer (if you will be using any kind of flyer it must come with your package)
- Solicitation Letter (if you will be going off base to ask for donations i.e. prizes or supplies for your event it must come with your package)
- Proof of Registration with the state of Florida as a non-profit corporation: https://dos.fl.gov/sunbiz/start-business/efile/fl-nonprofit-corporation/
- Proof of Registration with the Florida Department of Agricultural & Consumer Services. Make sure you address your org name as “PRIVATE ORG NAME ” to reflect your incorporated status.: Solicitation of Contributions / Business Services / Home – Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (fdacs.gov)
All packages should be submitted to the NAF AO at: 1SOFSS.NAF.AO.ORG@us.af.mil
**Please allow a MINIMUM of 3-4 weeks for approval**
Additional Requirements for Raffle Requests
AFI 34-223 doesn’t completely restrict raffles, but it does layout a large number of requirements to make them happen:
- Fundraising raffles may be conducted on an Air Force installation by those Private Organizations that are composed primarily of Department of Defense personnel or their family members.
- Unit unofficial activities are not authorized to conduct raffles. (T-1)
- Raffles must be authorized in advance by the Installation Commander or designee. (T-1) All requests to conduct raffles must be reviewed by the servicing Staff Judge Advocate’s office and a raffle counts towards the overall Private Organization’s limit to hold not more than three fundraisers per calendar quarter.
- Requests for approval to conduct raffles must identify the purpose for which funds are being raised and the intended use of the proceeds
- Raffles must be held to support the Private Organization’s routine operations or for the direct benefit of Department of Defense personnel or their family members. (T-1) Raffles may not be authorized to raise money for an outside cause local or national group, such as local regional or national charities
- Raffles conducted strictly for a monetary prize are not authorized on the installation. (T-1) Monetary raffles conducted off the installation by the Private Organization must comply with the guidance in paragraph 10.20.3.
- Raffles must not conduct in the workplace. Unlike Private Organization fundraisers involving the sale of goods and consumables, which may be conducted at public entrances and in community support facilities such as the lobby of the Base Exchange, raffles must be carefully planned so as not to spill over beyond the members of the Private Organization and any affiliated unit.
- Raffles must not be conducted by military members or civilian employees during their duty time. (T-1) Military members may not conduct raffles while in uniform at any time. (T-1) Air Force personnel may participate in Private Organization fundraising raffles only in a purely personal, unofficial, volunteer capacity at authorized locations and in ways that do not imply official endorsement. (T-1)
- Raffles must comply with State and local laws of the jurisdiction in which the installation is located and comply with any applicable requirements of such laws.
- The state of Florida requires orgs hosting a raffle of qualifying size to be a registered non-profit organization and further notify the Department of Agriculture within 7 days of the event.
Taking into account all these requirements we have drafted the following process which involves completing a fundraiser request (attached) and providing an MFR and/or flyer (samples attached) that would be displayed at the raffle and contains the following information:
- List the full name of your organization and your principal place of business. Ex. The CE Booster Club primarily operating at Hurlburt Field, FL
- Include the disclaimer “The (INSERT NAME HERE) is a private organization. It is not a part of the DoD or any of its components and it has no government status. The organization confirms they are a registered with the IRS as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and have filed with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. No purchase or contribution necessary to participate. ”
- Per state law you are unable to set an official price/entry fee for your raffle, but you can post a recommended minimum donation that can be printed on promotional material. It is encouraged you post this recommended amount on your poster and treat it as a standard price (even though if someone argues you on it you can’t enforce it).
- Please disclose all rules governing the raffles.
- Leave space to list the name of the businesses that donated the prizes to be raffled off.
- Clearly state at what time raffle tickets will stop being distributed and when the winner will be selected.
This would meet the majority of requirements for per AFI, but see below for information regarding Florida State registration requirements:
Games of Chance/Soliciting in FL
The state of Florida requires non-profits to
- Be a qualified nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3), (4), (7), (8), (10), or (19) status and have a current determination letter from the IRS.
- Register annually as a non-profit operating in the state
- Receive permission from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services annually to solicit and/or host raffles with prizes valued at $5,000.00 or more. If your prizes meet or exceed the $5,000.00 limit this registration MUST be done at least seven days before the event. Make sure you address your org name as “PRIVATE ORG NAME ” to reflect your incorporated status.
- To file Articles of Incorporation: https://dos.fl.gov/sunbiz/start-business/efile/fl-nonprofit-corporation/
- Registration with the Florida Department of Agricultural & Consumer Services Solicitation of Contributions / Business Services / Home – Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (fdacs.gov)
For more information please review the 2024 Florida Statutes on “Gambling”: Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine (state.fl.us)
List of documents:
Misc. Documents
Can one unit have both a UA and PO?
Yes! In fact, these programs are designed to work in tandem in order to provide fundraising coverage from within the unit all the way to the local off-base community.
Can I be a member of both a UA and PO?
Yes, but be aware these programs still answer to different governing authorities and have their own rules and regulations. Be vigilant when separating your actions in the name of a PO vs. UA.
What is a “booster club” or “snack-o” then?
These are terms not recognized within the AFI for AF fundraising. Although these are often the common phrases used when trying to describe a fundraising organization, these don’t actually hold any meaning in terms or organization classification. However, it has been noticed that most commonly when members are asking to start a booster club or snack-o, they are looking to start a UA. This is not always the case but a popular trend.
Can money change hands from a UA to PO?
In short – no. Again, these are two different programs and UAs are classified as ‘federal entities” while POs are seen as “non-federal entities”. Furthermore, each has various monetary limitations in terms or how much they can have on hand or how the money must be reported come the end of the year. Therefore, the funds from these program’s must be managed separately even though they are most likely supporting the same causes if attached to the same unit. In practice this would mean having separate banking accounts but spending the money in the same place such as for squadron snack bar items, swag, holiday party venues and catering, etc.
Can civilians be members of a UA or PO?
Yes! Members of the Air Force or Federal Government, to include civilians, contractors (conditionally), Air Reserve and National Guard members and their dependents can all hold full membership in a UA or PO. This includes holding office should an organizations constitution and bylaws have no restrictions in place.
What if a PO’s members are separated across installations?
AFI34-223 para 9.4. describes PO membership as local in nature, but it is not necessarily a requirement should a unit be divided across installations. As long as members have a line of communication that allows them to answer to the installation/CC or delegate, they could hold membership in an org where they are not currently located (includes members who may be on TDY).
However – this does not mean that by holding membership in one installation’s registered PO that members located elsewhere have permission to operate on a different installation. Each installation/CC must still approve what orgs are operating on their installation. In this case it may be recommended to evolve the local organization into a “parent company” with local chapters established at each installation where you would hope to operate. This could be convenient as well in that you only need to set up a tax profile with the IRS for the org once as this would translate across states. However, keep in mind each state may still require different registration requirements for each chapter and each base will certainly have its own processes.
What’s the deal with raffles?
AFI34-223 para 10.9. prohibits UAs or POs from operating amusement machines, slot machines, lotteries, raffles, games of chance, or other gambling-type activities, (except as authorized in paragraph 10.20). Therefore, raffles are not inherently banned…but there are a number of requirements that must be followed to make this happen whether on or off the installation. The other item to consider is that each state has additional regulations when it comes to games of chance. The state of Florida requires orgs hosting a raffle of qualifying size to be a registered non-profit organization and further notify the Department of Agriculture within 7 days of the event.
Please see Raffle Breakdown & Raffle Request Package under Official Forms & Guidance for more information.
What’s the deal with Sponsorship & Advertising?
Per AFI34-223 para commercial sponsorship is not authorized to support PO or UA. These entities are not authorized to partner with a Morale, Welfare and Recreation program to gain access to sponsorship benefits.
POs and UAs may accept gifts and donations from outside sources. Unit unofficial activities will not solicit gifts. POs will not solicit direct monetary gifts or donations (as distinguished from the sale of items of value) on base. Off-base solicitations must clearly indicate that they are for a Private Organization and not for the base or any official part of the Air Force.
- Donor/gift recognition may not be made publicly. Oral recognition of the gift or donation can only be made to members of the PO or those present at an event benefiting from the donation/gift.
POs and UAs are prohibited from actions which might make it appear that the installation is endorsing or giving special treatment to the donors involved. If you are hosting an event in which an outside source may be involved considering using the Notification to Vendors MFR under Official Forms & Guidance for more information.
What about fundraising during the Air Force Assistance Fund (AFAF) & Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)?
During AFAF & CFC fundraising efforts should generally not interfere or detract from these federal campaigns.
Air Force Assistance Fund (Feb – June)
- PO fundraisers held on-base will not be approved during this time unless invited to support an FSS event (Easter, Commando Games, Freedom Fest)
Combined Federal Campaign (Nov – Jan)
- Ad hoc fundraising to support unit holiday parties is allowed during the CFC. If your on-base event is not supporting your holiday party during this time it will not be approved.
Limited workplace fundraising (desk-to-desk) by unit unofficial activates/social funds is still allowed. (AFI36-3101 5.1)
Where can I rent tents, bleachers, etc. for my fundraiser or a squadron Function?
Outdoor Recreation is available to help you with renting of equipment for your fundraiser. For a more detailed list, contact Outdoor Recreation at 850.884.6939.