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Open Recreation Program, Teen Center, Youth Sports.
Open Recreation Program
The Open Recreation Program hosts instructional classes, monthly pre-teen dances, a variety of special activities and free choice of game room and gym activities. The program also includes clubs and initiatives to help foster healthy living, safety awareness, and vital leadership skills. Preteens ages 9-12 have the opportunity to join the Open Recreation Programs. Youth Programs is affiliated with Boys and Girls Clubs of America and 4-H to provide quality programming that promotes positive youth development. Other opportunities in Youth Programs include specialty camps, instructional classes, and special events. Some of the features within the Open Recreation Program include a pool table, computers for homework, wifi, 3-D printer, game systems, Nature Explore Outdoor Certified Classroom, and more. Registration is $120 per year (prorated by month). All Registrations expire July 31 of each year.
Youth Sponsorship
Are you moving to or from Hurlburt Field? If you are between the ages of 5-18 and would like to know more about Hurlburt, please let us know. We will put you in touch with someone your own age that will answer all your questions.
PreTeen Programs
Torch Clubs are small-group character and leadership clubs for preteens within Youth Programs. Torch Club members elect officers and work together to implement projects in the four focus areas: service to Club and community; education; health and fitness; and social recreation. Preteens that are a part of Torch club will volunteer at Youth Center and base events, develop service projects, and serve as role models among their peers.
The Arts
Preteens will have the chance to foster their creativity through different arts programming. Throughout the year, programs will teach different art techniques that will be showcased in the BGCA National Arts Competition. The ImageMakers National Photography Program is another way preteens can learn about different art programs. 4-H programs in the arts include available curriculum and county events.
Sports and Recreation
Preteens have access to indoor and outdoor facilities that promote motor skills. Programming that teach physical fitness, goal setting, and stress management include, Triple Play and the Michael Phelps IM Program.
Health and Wellness
Preteens are able to learn about life skills such as self-esteem, positive relationships, good health, responsibility, and more through programs such as SMART Girls, SMART Moves, and Passport to manhood.
Preteens have access to homework assistance and participate in high-yield learning activities through the PowerHour Program. Our STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) center is meant to inspire preteens to pursue education and careers in those areas that might interest them. Focus areas the STEAM center include robotics, engineering, technology, and life sciences.
Teen Center
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The Teen Center is a safe and positive space for teens ages 13-18 to spend time while focusing on their next steps to adulthood. The center features the latest game systems, smart tvs, computers, wifi, music area, art studio, graphic designing, robotics, 3D printer, and more. Core areas include STEM (science, technology, engineering, & mathematics), arts, service & leadership, and health & fitness. Through our education and career programs teens have the opportunity to gain experience in workplace readiness, college preparedness, scholarship assistance, career exploration, and more. Registration is $120 per year (prorated by month). All Registrations expire July 31 of each year.
Teen Programs
Youth of the Year
One teen is selected to represent Hurlburt Field among other military teens to showcase their character, academic excellence, leadership, and service to community. The Youth of the Year is a premier scholarship and recognition program for teens ages 14-18. The Hurlburt Field Youth of the Year will compete at the state level with the possibility of continuing on to the regional and national level of Youth of the Year.
Keystone Club is offered through our BGCA partnership, and serves as a way for teens to build valuable leadership and service experience. Teens focus on programming in four areas: academic success, career exploration, community service, and teen outreach. Teens have the opportunity to participate in the National Keystone Conference. Each year teens select a service project for the community that they work on continually.
Air Force Teen Council (AFTC)
Air Force teens are able to connect with installation leaders to provide insight into the needs and passions of youth in the community. Through this initiative, teens are able to connect with other installations to bring the concerns over current issues to the highest levels of leadership across the Air Force.
Youth Sports
Thank You For Choosing Hurlburt Field Youth Sports & Fitness!
Participation in sports and fitness plays a vital role in the development of youth. Aspects of team work, dedication, discipline, physical fitness, self-esteem, and fair play all contribute to the overall growth and maturation of boys and girls. The Hurlburt Youth Program takes this responsibility seriously and strives to offer quality diversified programs based on the needs and desires of our community. League and programs are organized to teach basic fundaments of team and individual sports and improving on those skills as they progress through their development through ages 3-18 yrs old. Eligible youth are family members of active duty, retired military, and civilian employees at Hurlburt Field. Our goal is to provide youth with a learning environment that is positive, fun and contributes to the well-being of the military family which directly contributes to increase mission effectiveness.
Hurlburt Field Youth Sports is proud to be a member of the National Alliance of Youth Sports (NAYS). All of our coaches are trained and certified members of the National Youth Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA). If you would like to volunteer to coach, please contact Youth Programs for the next NYSCA training date.
Class Instructors Needed
Piano, Martial Arts & Gymnastics Instructors Need To Teach Our Youth.
Contact Youth Programs